
Cybersecurity has become a substantial risk for businesses across industries. While small businesses are particularly susceptible to security threats, even large, established businesses with sophisticated security plans are at risk of a data breach. Unfortunately, it's impossible to guarantee...
What role does marketing automation play in your business? With more focus on brand identity following the uncertainty of the pandemic, marketing automation can help you delegate important tasks while maintaining consistency in how you interact with leads and...
Effectively managing a business requires a great deal of predicting the future. Deciphering consumers’ wants and needs, not only now but also many years down the line, is crucial to building a foundation for success. Luckily, with the help...
In this day and age, it’s become more difficult than ever to retain digital privacy. With information spread out across numerous platforms and cybercrime at a heightened prevalence, your data could be at risk without you realizing it. If...
Social CRM For Greater Customer Engagement Social CRM allows businesses to target potential customers on platforms that they use on the daily. By tapping into social networks and encouraging happy customers to become brand ambassadors, businesses can expand their...
New Ecommerce Tools From Shopify We all know that ecommerce surged with the outbreak of COVID-19. Shopify responded by releasing new management and sales tools to help businesses adapt and better serve consumers. Two key features of these new...
When the coronavirus pandemic forced workers into quarantine, the ability to work from home saved many businesses from a complete shutdown. Cloud computing has powered remote work across industries, foreshadowing the value of the cloud in the future of...
Digital disruption is top of mind in today's industries. 87% of companies think that digital advancement will disrupt their industry, but only a mere 44% are prepared. If you Google "digital transformation", you'll get back hundreds of blogs boasting...
Federal relief packages are helping businesses navigate the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. But, as $2 trillion in stimulus money is distributed across the nation, small businesses are experiencing a major jump in cyberattacks. The chaos and uncertainty that...
Invented in 1979, the spreadsheet has been an invaluable asset to every department of every business for the past 40 years. But, in the digital age of business, the utility of the trusted spreadsheet has begun to wane. While...