TechOps Partners: Protecting Your Company's Digital Privacy

In this day and age, it’s become more difficult than ever to retain digital privacy. With information spread out across numerous platforms and cybercrime at a heightened prevalence, your data could be at risk without you realizing it. If you own or manage a company, the risk of a breach in that company’s digital privacy becomes significantly higher. Even with the most trusted and responsible employees, a security issue could strike.

While cybercrime is becoming more sophisticated, so is digital privacy protection. You can build a strong wall around your company’ digital privacy by:

For further insights into this topic, check out this article from Forbes: Cybersecurity For The Uninitiated.

Did you know?

Important cybersecurity statistics to help you plan for your business' future


Increase in cyber breaches year over year


Cost of cybersecurity attacks on small businesses


Small business failure rate after a cyber attack


Almost half of cyber attacks target small businesses

Digital Privacy For Small Businesses:

In the 2019 Varonis Global Data Risk Report: