What role does marketing automation play in your business? With more focus on brand identity following the uncertainty of the pandemic, marketing automation can help you delegate important tasks while maintaining consistency in how you interact with leads and customers.
An active, successful marketing campaign involves a great deal of repetition. Tasks including email marketing and social media campaigns can be automated for vastly improved efficiency. With the right software, automated marketing can also create campaigns that are more tailored to the needs and interests of your customers.
Effective marketing automation should strike a balance between promoting engagement among the business’s current database of leads while working to attract more leads. This requires that the marketing strategy takes into account behaviors across channels, from email to social media to content consumption, to determine what will influence the lead to engage.
In the post-COVID era, marketing automation should remain a cornerstone of your marketing strategy, regardless of structural changes within your business. Read more here.
83% of consumers say that they pay as much attention to how brands treat them as to the product they sell.
73% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for a product if they love the brand.