We all know that ecommerce surged with the outbreak of COVID-19. Shopify responded by releasing new management and sales tools to help businesses adapt and better serve consumers. Two key features of these new tools include the ability to tip and "buy now, pay later" for customers. Entrepreneurs can now also isolate their business from their personal bank accounts using Shopify, which helps to prevent credit score fluctuations. Read more here: Shopify rolls out new tools for online selling during COVID-19
Adobe released a new feature within its Audience Manager Platform: Predictive Audiences. With AI and machine learning technologies, this tool allows marketers to group users for effective personalization - without sacrificing user choice and control. Learn more about this exciting tool on Adobe's blog: Predictive Audiences: Taking Personalization to the Next Level.
Online tools can help marketers remain successful and competitive in a post-coronavirus economy. Specifically, by honing AI tools and technology, marketers can more effectively target customers with personalized content. Remarkably, companies that are leading in performance are over twice as likely to have incorporated AI technology into their marketing strategies. This illustrates the need for businesses and marketers to find a practical method for implementing AI into their daily practices.
Does your business use AI in its marketing strategies? Are you looking for online tools that can facilitate AI implementation? Let's have a conversation today.
Leading companies are over twice as likely to have incorporated AI into their marketing strategies.
Sales leaders predict that AI adoption will increase among sales teams by 155% in the two years.
AI helps marketers achieve:
sales (52%)
retention (51%)
Successfully launch
new products (49%)
Leading companies are over twice as likely to have incorporated AI into their marketing strategies.
Sales leaders predict that AI adoption will increase among sales teams by 155% in the two years.
According to surveyed executives, the top three functions of AI are:
Customer service